The Squeeze is a lighthearted digital format show hosted by two Florida elected officials, Lucia Baez-Geller and Marco Giron. The show features interviews showcasing inspiring stories from politicians, community leaders, grassroots organizations, entertainers and athletes. Sharing the real stories behind the movers and shakers who are shaping the future. The Squeeze airs on Instagram, YouTube and podcast.

The Hosts.

Lucia Baez-Geller

Lucia is a lifelong educator and Miami-County School Board Member representing District 3. For over 15 years, Lucia has dedicated her life to education by teaching thousands of students. Her advocacy efforts are far reaching beyond the classroom with her involvement with education initiatives in Miami-Dade County, Tallahassee, and Washington, DC. Lucia was awarded the title of 2013 Political Advocate of the Year by the National Education Association. As a former teacher, Lucia brings a fresh and fun approach to The Squeeze.


Marco Giron

Marco is an award winning broadcaster and Council Member representing Miami-Dade County Community Council 5. He brings a wealth of knowledge from the political world and has over 10 years of senior-level public administration experience. As a former news and traffic anchor, he brings a journalistic approach to The Squeeze.

Marco was a member of a boy band signed to Universal Records and was also contracted by Disney to portray a prince.

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